Your main goal is crystal-clear: Free the acolytes, kill the villagers before they’re able to alarm the guards, and collect as much loot as you can. They’re disguised as human villagers and scattered throughout and around Vandermar Village. Tichondrius orders you to rescue 24 Acolytes, the worker unit of the Undead race. They can regenerate health by using the Cannibalize ability to consume human corpses around them. Besides that, two Ghouls will fight by Arthas’ side they are the cheapest undead melee unit and are also used for lumbering wood. You will start out with one point in Mortal Coil, the undead version of Holy Light, which heals undead allies and damages human units. Arthas has become a Death Knight, a melee hero with a similar playstyle to the human Paladin hero. You will now control Arthas and his troops as part of the Undead and their racial abilities. Rescue 24 Acolytes (20 Acolytes on Easy or Normal) He orders the young traitor to gather acolytes of the Cult of Damned within Vandermar Village who hid beneath the local populace of Lordaeron after Kel’Thuzad’s death. The first chapter of the Undead campaign introduces Arthas, now a Death Knight, to Tichondrius, another dreadlord who seems to serve the Lich King. Dalaran - With Kel'Thuzad resurrected, they now seek the Book of Medivh an ancient tome with the spell to open a portal for the Burning Legion.Īfter the Lich King took over Arthas’ soul through Frostmourne, the prince of Lordaeron murders his father and leaves behind his life as a Paladin and a member of the royal Menethil family.To do so he requires an immense amount of power, so he seeks the magical font, the Sunwell, found in the home of the elven civilization of Quel'Thalas. Quel'Thalas - In order to open a portal for the Burning Legion, Arthas must revive his former rival Kel'Thuzad.As a new leader of the Scourge, he continues their crusade to destroy the remnants of the Alliance and herald the return of the Burning Legion.

Lordaeron - Though Arthas defeated Mal'Ganis, he sacrificed his soul to the rune blade Frostmourne to do so causing him to ally with the Undead as a Death Knight.
Learn how to complete Path of the Damned, the Undead Campaign in Warcraft III: Reforged Reign of Chaos, with our tips and tricks for all chapters. Also HH received huge buff, Ghouls cannot keep up.In the Undead Campaign in Warcraft III: Reforged, Arthas revives Kel'Thuzad using the power of the Sunwell. Since you are not happy, don't use Ghouls as you fill just feed exp, they can easily get focused down. Vs HH: Don't use Ghouls unless you are happy and consistenly pull them back at 5-15 HP.

Vs Grunt: Lich, Fiend, Abom (but they get devoured, because Orc has all Counters to UD, Destroyer if not many HH) Vs Druid of Claw: Abom, Fiend, Destroyer (in rare cases Frost Wyrm, but this unit is too costly, too time consuming to get and also got nerfed even though this is the only matchup where UD can ever use it) Vs Dryad: Same, Meat Wagons might work if your opponent has poor micro Ghouls without Unholy aura are terrible anyway unless you get a sleep surround. Ghouls will just get focused and killed, feeding more exp. Vs Archer: Ghouls might work, but again Ghouls are a bad unit, while Archers just got a 15 HP buff. Vs Spellbreaker: Abom, Fiend (again don't use Ghouls, they are weak, will just get killed by enemy heroes and feed experience.) Ontop of that, all your opponent has to do is send that 1 air unit back, suddenly all your Gargolyes will chase and get picked off. You will have to tell each Garg to manually attack air units, otherwise they will prioritize their ranged attack against ground units instead. Reason being is their AI is garbage and not yet fixed, although blizzard has promised they would fixed Gargoyle AI. Vs Flying Machine: Fiends, Carrion Swarm, Destroyers Vs Knight: Use Frost armor, Aboms, Destroyers, Banshees for Posession, Fiends if you can kite properly Use Fiends, Aboms, Nova, Carrion Swarm or Impale They have no chance against buffed Riflemen. Vs Riflemen: Don't use Ghouls, they get focused down way too easily. Wait for much needed survivability buff (HP and/or armor bonus just like Archers got) Use Fiends, Aboms, Destroyers and Frost Nova Vs Footman: Don't use Ghouls, they are a poor unit, even with frenzy. So I guess the real question is, how accurate is it with reforged being out? I was hoping to start with some basics like this. So far I am being merc'ed pretty hard by water elementals early game, and rifle men. I am trying to learn which units are required from undead in what situations. I want to start by saying that this is a counter list pulled from a forum from 2008.