From the panel munu choose New Hyperlink Destination and the dialog should come up with Text Anchor and your highlighted text filled in. Highlight the text you want to be the anchor. In InDesign, an Anchored Object is a frame (or group of frames) that contains text, images, graphics, or tables (or a combination of two or more of these). How do you fit text to columns in InDesign?.How do you edit a locked layer in InDesign?.How do I unlock master text in InDesign?.What is difference between hyperlink and anchor text?.The text flows into the first column and the cursor is automatically loaded so you can link the first column to another frame without clicking the Out Port.ĥ In the second column, click and drag to draw a new frame below the image of the Data Center Server. Deselect the Show Import Options check box, and then click Open.Ĥ With the loaded cursor ready to place text, press and hold the Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) key on your keyboard, and then click in the first column, just below the headline. In the Place dialog box, navigate to the id03lessons folder and select the id0302.doc file. To achieve this, press and hold the Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) key when importing text into the first frame, or after linking text from a text frame, as you will see in the following exercise.ġ In the Pages panel, double-click the page 4 icon to center the page in the workspace.Ģ Choose the Selection tool ( ) from the Tools panel and click anywhere in the pasteboard to make sure that there is nothing selected, or choose Edit > Deselect All.ģ Choose File > Place. This allows you to link multiple text frames without needing to click the Out Port of each frame. Fortunately you can place text into one frame, then move to the next frame to continue linking without clicking the out port. Using semi-autoflow to link several text framesĬlicking the out port for each individual text frame may work on smaller documents, but it is not efficient for longer documents. Linked frames are visible when one of the frames in the link is selected.ĥ Choose File > Save to save your work. Choose View > Extras > Hide Text Threads to stop displaying the linked frames. InDesign displays the link between the two frames.

The two text frames are now linked because you created the second text frame after clicking the out port in the first text frame.Ĥ If the links between the text frames are not showing, choose View > Extras > Show Text Threads. Click and drag from the top-left side of the column down to the bottom-right side of the column. After clicking the Out Port, the cursor is ready to link to another text frame so that the story can continue in a different location in the document.ģ Move the cursor under the headline to the top-left side of the second column.

#Trouble linking text boxes indesign plus
This is the Out Port, and the red plus sign indicates that there is overset text that does not fit in this frame. The Out Port may also display a red plus sign (+), indicating that there is overset text that does not fit in the frame, or it may be empty, indicating that all text fits within this frame.ġ Choose the Selection tool ( ) from the Tools panel.Ģ Click the red plus sign in the bottom-right corner of the text frame. The arrow shows that text continues in another frame or from another frame, depending upon the port. With a text frame selected, choose View > Show Text Threads to display links connected to the selected frame. The arrow within the In Port or Out Port indicates that text flows from another frame. You will use the Out Port to thread the text to another frame. At the bottom-right corner is the Out Port which indicates if text flows to another frame or if there is more text than fits within the frame. At the top-left corner of a text frame is the In Port, which indicates if text flows into the frame from another location. You can flow text between columns, pages, and between different text frames.